Stovetop Apple Cider

Note that although I used a stock photo, I make this cider every year to great success, so I definitely recommend it!


  • 24 Apples

  • 02 Oranges

  • 06 Cinnamon sticks

  • 02 tsp Cloves (whole)

  • 01 Tbsp Allspice

  • 02 tsp Nutmeg (ground)

  • 01 cup Maple syrup


  • Core and slice all apples into eighths (without skinning). Quarter the oranges and remove (but keep) the peels. In a stock pot over medium heat, add all ingredients, plus water to coat all ingredients with an additional ¼” of space.

  • Bring ingredients to a rolling boil, then simmer covered for two hours. Examine after one hour and, if necessary, do some preliminary mashing (see step 3).

  • After two hours have passed, use a potato masher to lightly mash the apples until shapeless. Remove the orange peels. Also remove orange flesh if desired. DO NOT MASH OVERZEALOUSLY, the release of air could cause splashing.

  • After one additional hour, remove the pot from heat. Pour the cider through a fine mesh strainer or use cheesecloth to remove as many solid components as possible from the cider. Multiple strains are totally normal, the first pass usually produces 2/3-3/4 of the total yield.